Norwegian Grammar Course A2 – B2

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About Course

This Norwegian grammar covers what is needed to pass formal Norwegian language tests from A2 to B2/C1 level.

This is the perfect companion to your online Norwegian courses. For A1 students it might be a little difficult since the spoken language in the videos are in Norwegian. Any student from A2 and upward will understand the spoken language in the videos.

The course starts with the very basic grammars and covers more advanced topics as the student progresses.

After each section there are links to exercises connected to the subject taught. There are also links to other external resources covering the same subject. This is useful in case you need the subject explained in a slightly different manner. This is also good for repetition of the subjects.

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What Will You Learn?

  • The students will learn Norwegian grammar that is needed to pass any Norwegian language test from A2-B2 level.
  • The students will learn how to apply their new knowledge in their writing and spoken language.
  • All the main aspects of Norwegian grammar is covered.
  • There are lots of exercises after each topic for the students to practice their newly acquired knowledge.
  • There are links to additional video resources that can give more in depth understanding of each subject covered.

Course Content

1 Ordklasser

  • Ordklasser

2 Substantiv (Nouns)

3 Adjektiv (Adjectives)

4 Verb (Verbs)

5 Adverb (Adverbs)

6 Pronomen (Pronouns)

7 Konjunksjoner (Conjunctions)

8 Preposisjoner (Prepositions)

9 Interjeksjoner (Interjections)

10 Tallord (Numbers)

11 Spørreord (Question words)

12 Tegn og tegnsetting (Punctuation)

13 Stor og liten forbokstav (uppercase and lowercase)

14 Setningsledd og setningsanalyse (Sentence Analysis)

15 Ordstilling (Word order)

16 Direkte og indirekte tale (Direct and indirect speech)

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